
Claudia Graf



Do you ever find yourself feeling depressed, with your thoughts spiraling deeper and deeper into negativity and hopelessness? Do you worry about people, situations, and life events with constant anxious anticipation of an unknown future? Feelings of depression and anxiety have a way of robbing us of our joy, optimism, vision, and hope. One way to change how we feel is by changing our outlook. We are not helpless victims of our negative emotions but have the power to change our attitude and to choose positivity, hope, and joy. A great way to do this is through gratitude.

When was the last time you appreciated the good things in your life? Gratitude boosts your self-esteem, brings joy, peace and has positive effects on your physical and mental health. You could start by incorporating a few minutes of grateful contemplation into your daily routine, away from the noise and distractions, for instance as a time of mediation or prayer. A gratitude journal can help you remember all the good things that happened in your day, even if they are small such as a nice chat with a friend, a delicious meal, or something you accomplished. Write a letter of gratitude to a person who has had a major positive impact on your life and describe with detail and examples what you appreciate about them. Go on a walk and deliberately take in your surroundings; notice the colors, smells, the feeling of the warm sunshine on your skin, or the beautiful clouds and give thanks to God for creating all this beauty. Notice when others do something positive and make it a habit to praise and thank them for it.

When looking back at my own life and counting my blessings, my heart is filled with thankfulness. I am grateful for experiences, circumstances, people, friendships, places, and even difficult times and negative events that caused me to grow. When I talk to God in prayer, he often brings things to my mind to be thankful for and he reminds me of his goodness, faithfulness, and love. It is hard to keep spiraling into negativity when you start to list the things you are grateful for. It is difficult to anxiously look to the future when you see the patterns of blessings and God’s guidance and provision in your own life story. Gratitude boosts joy, brings optimism, hope, and fosters trust in a God who is good and for us, not against us.

What are you grateful for today?


Black History Month

