Soul Clutter
Melissa Reese
If you’re like me, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the things that occupy our homes. Whether it’s a pile of laundry, dirty dishes, or toys scattered on the floor. The clutter can zap me of my energy and patience. But our lives are often cluttered by things other than the objects that enter our visual field. Our minds and even our souls can become cluttered too.
By looking at our schedules and even our bank accounts, we can clearly understand what is cluttering our lives in various ways. But taking it a step further, we can take inventory of what consumes our souls. Soul clutter consists of lingering thoughts and beliefs about us that are not aligned with who God says we are. It’s shame and “shoulds” that are not only keeping us stuck in negative emotions but also not serving our relationship with the One who knows us deeply.
Like those toys strewn about my living room floor, these deeply held beliefs cause us to stumble. We bump up against them like painful reminders of our brokenness and humanity. But by God’s goodness and through the Holy Spirit, we can be remade and restored to a relationship with a God who knows us, loves us, and takes joy in us.
May the Lord, who is kind and faithful, be present in your heart and mind. May the Holy Spirit declutter your soul of lies that cause you to stumble. And may you walk freely in peace that can only come from freedom in Christ.