Speed without Direction!

September 30, 2021

By: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

Some of us thrive on activity and speed. We may not always have a clear understanding of where we are going, but we are fast on our way somewhere! Imagine driving as fast as we can down the highway without setting our GPS and without knowing where we are going. Who knows where we might end up. In life it helps to know our destination. What are our goals for our spiritual and emotional life? Who do we want to be in 2 or 3 years? I heard it said one time that people can climb the ladder of success without realizing until they get to the top that they were climbing the wrong ladder. How sad it would be to exert the energy, feel the drain, experience the exhaustion, only to realize we didn’t get to where we thought we were going.

If you have not done so lately, plan a rest stop on this fast journey you are on. Get out the map, take in your surroundings, listen for God’s voice. Make sure that you are not just moving forward but that you are moving towards. Moving towards the person you want to be, towards the people that offer you healthy encouragement, towards the God who knows and loves you more than anyone, and towards the goals that will leave you fulfilled and satisfied and not empty or depleted. Slow down, take a break, breathe, listen! It may make a difference in where you end up down the road.


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