When Necessary Endings Bring New Beginnings­­

Dr. Beverly T. Mayhak Puzia, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor

January 2022

In July of 2021, I wrote a blog about necessary endings as a part of every life. They give us the opportunity to evaluate the basics of who we are, why we are here, and what is most important.

At that time, I made the decision to close my counseling office in Winthrop Harbor, IL knowing it was time to slow down and focus on my clients in South Carolina. As I am writing this blog, I am facing a new invitation to slow down and focus on my personal life.

Once again, I am considering why I am here. Last week, my second husband, Ed, God’s wonderful gift of 12 years now, received the news no one ever wants to hear. “The prostate biopsy revealed it is cancerous.” Often, well-meaning words of comfort do not comfort. Have you heard them? I have been guilty of saying them myself. “It’s such an easy surgery these days.” “Many men live for years after having cancer removed.” I am wondering why those words did not soothe my sad and troubled heart? Where is God in all of this?

After prayer and consideration, my heart’s desire is to partner with my husband in his business and his treatment in a more essential way. God is in it. What will end and what will begin?­­

So here I am again pondering the questions I posed back in June 2021. Who am I? I am a child of God, chosen before the foundation of the world for His good purposes. Trained and called to serve Him as a professional counselor, but I am also a wife and a mother. My children are grown and give us immense joy as do my 3 grandchildren, their wonderful spouses, and 6 great-grandchildren. They do not need me, my husband does.

Jesus said the most important commandment in the law of Moses is “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind…A second is an equally important love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39.

My husband Ed and I have enjoyed doing couples counseling together and one of his favorite comments on this passage is “and the closest neighbor is the one I sleep next to.” We hope to continue couples counseling as the opportunity arises. I must begin slowing down my hours at Bridge of Hope.

The conclusion of my blog this month is that we must never stop knowing we are a child of God, called according to His purposes. The greatest purpose is to love well. Loving better every day means learning to know when to end something and when to begin something. Ending well happens when we know our Triune God has gone before us. The Father, the Son, and Spirit are with us and will never leave us nor forsake us. We are here on His purpose! He’s not finished with us yet!




Rehearsing or Releasing?