Avoiding Overload

August 19, 2021

By: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

With so much bad news out there, it is easy to get overloaded! Covid, Haiti, Afghanistan, crime waves and political fights are a lot to take in. On top of all that information, you may have family crises, personal emotions, losses and mental health challenges to deal with as well. These are important times to stop and recognize the need for boundaries of information and boundaries for personal rest and restoration. Jesus said each day has enough to carry and to be careful of getting focused on the what if’s of the future. He will give you strength for today but not necessarily for things outside of our own responsibility. Take technology breaks, breathing breaks, get up and walk around breaks, exercise breaks and take time to enjoy some hobbies. When you get together with supportive family or friends, limit your conversations about issues that create more stress or topics you may disagree on. Practice mindfulness and be present in the present with those present! Use your five senses and take in the beauty around you. You have what you need. Don’t carry the weight of the world on your shoulders and remember that is God’s job and not yours!


Faith that Hurts!


Faith-based Reality in a World of Denial & Fear