Faith-based Reality in a World of Denial & Fear

August 12, 2021

By: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

Fear is often an over-reaction to a potential threat. Denial is a failure to recognize reality and take necessary steps to avoid harm. It is so easy in times of challenge to end up on one side or the other of these extremes. Fear says we are doomed! If you get covid you won’t survive. Our political opponents will ruin America. Injustice is everywhere! Denial says, what virus? What racism, injustice, immigration crisis or moral decline? Sometimes political alignment determines which side you are on based on who is in power and who you choose to blame or defend.

We are called to faith-based reality that avoids both denial and fear. We cannot pretend a virus is not real when many of our friends and loved ones are battling it, some in the hospital, and our state surpassed 10,000 deaths related in one way or another to Covid. What we can remember, however, is the vast majority who have survived it, the answered prayers for those who have come home, and the God who will never leave us or forsake us in any of our trials or tribulations. We live in a fallen world, and many are caught up in denial or fear that is fueling anger and tension. We are the light that shines in the darkness of spiritual and moral decline, and also in the darkness of denial and fear. Step out of denial and steer clear of fear. Shine brightly!


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