Count Your Blessings

Claudia Graf



The things we let our minds dwell on have a powerful impact on our feelings. It is easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and focus on things that did not go according to our plan, disappointments, and negative experiences in our lives.

Even during storms, when disappointed and defeated, God was right there by your side, carrying you through the dark valley. Take a few minutes to reflect on how God has blessed you in your life and thank him for his goodness and faithfulness towards you - big and small. Thank him for the people in your life you love, for how he has comforted you through heartache and pain, for the high points and successes, but also for how he shows up in small ways, be it through the random friendly encounter with a stranger, the warmth of the sunshine on your skin or the reminder of his care through a song.

The more we focus on God’s involvement in our lives and count our blessings, the more things come to mind we can be thankful for. When we come into his presence, our hearts are filled with gratefulness for his faithfulness, even through hard times. We feel encouraged and receive renewed strength to keep pushing forward joyfully, with him by our side – the God chasing us with his reckless love and unending goodness.


Mountains and Valleys


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