Embracing the “And”

November 30th, 2020

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC, LPC/S - Director

Some have chosen to live this year in denial. What virus? What economic hardships? What racial injustices? What political tension? Others seem to live in fear and despair, wondering if it will ever end and being afraid of the future. It is important to practice what is known in psychology as integration, accepting both the bad and the good in life. Instead of denying one side of reality, accept the good and grieve the bad. Jesus, our greatest model in history, knew how to grieve and shed tears at the tomb of a friend one moment and celebrate his resurrection the next! He could grieve what was happening in the Garden of Gethsemane while having just told his disciples that He had great plans for their future. What are you going through right now that you need to grieve? Has it been a hard year? Denial does not bring healing, but tears can. Accept this reality and be there for others who are struggling in their current reality. Also give thanks for your current blessings and rest in the confidence that God is working through pain and providing a future and a hope!


🎶 Tis the Season to Remain Hopeful...🎶


Thankful in all Things