๐ŸŽถ Tis the Season to Remain Hopeful...๐ŸŽถ

December 11, 2020

by: Anita Issac MA, LPC/A

The time has come for what most people consider the โ€œmost wonderful time of the year!โ€ A season of fun, lots of gift receiving and giving and family enjoyment. However, for others  it may feel like the most depressing time of the year. And for those who already suffer from depression,  this time of the year could make you feel even less motivated, and hopeless.

Stressors that may lead to this seasonal depression could be lack of finances, the inability to spend time with family and friends  for various of reasons, and even unrealistic expectations . Because of those stressors,  one can become more susceptible to engaging in harmful behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse , social isolation , and poor eating habits are just to name a few. If you are experiencing or have experienced this type of depression or any form of depression, know that you donโ€™t have to feel alone and that it is always OK to seek help.  Some tips for coping not just in this season but any season would be to :

1. Set realistic goals and expectations

2. Mindfulness; Be present 

3. Look for opportunities to give back through community service ( good for those who are experiencing loneliness)

4. Try being creative in doing something different and maybe trying something out of your norm 

5. Find optimism and be hopeful In knowing: For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5


Intentional Living


Embracing the โ€œAndโ€