
Paul Bishop - Director




There is a lot of frustration these days. Frustration often stems from unmet expectations. The world is not as you thought it should be, would be or could be. Maybe God has not stepped in where you thought He would, not changed what you thought he should, or not done what you knew He could on your behalf. Perhaps you are frustrated with yourself and feeling like you failed to live up to your own promises, potential or priorities. It could be others in your life who have left you feeling forgotten, abandoned, or unappreciated.

Letting go of anger begins by lowering some expectations and examining goals that are unattainable or uncontrollable. The more you remain focused on those things out of your control the more frustrated you will live. It also involves looking at what you can do in a tangible way to change your own attitude, situation or activities. The more you focus on what you actually can do something about, the less you will concern yourself with what you cannot. Let God handle the unexplainable, unsolvable and uncontrollable. Letting go does not mean giving up, but stepping up. Step up to what you can do while you step away from focusing on all that is out of your control.


Musical Recharge


The Overlooked Holiday