Musical Recharge


Gretchen Smith


I often ask people what they do to unwind or re-energize.  One person told me it is music that helps. I can so relate!  Music can speak to your inner being in powerful ways.  I love to sing and to be able to express inner emotions and feelings with words and melodies.  It is a special gift that God has given everyone - whether you have perfect pitch or not!  My three-year-old grandson was singing part of the bridge in an arrangement of "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" that lists God's attributes. There was such unabashed joy and innocence in his voice as he sang at the top of his lungs, "His name shall be Wonderful, Counselor. His name shall be Everlasting Father. His name shall be Prince of Peace, Mighty God. His name shall be Emmanuel."  Emmanuel, "God with us."  If you need to unwind or reenergize in the next few weeks - try praising God in song at the top of your lungs!  Sing out with joy this season and in the year to come! 


Greatest Gift

