Greatest Gift


by Denise Heberlein

LU student, CMHC 

As we enter this Christmas season, let us remember that there is something greater that we look to than this world: the gift of Jesus. It always seems as if Christmas is full of hurry and material items, when it should be about others and Jesus. Material gifts will never soothe the way that the love of Jesus does. Keeping our mind focused on the greatest gift ever given, Jesus, will provide a calm to our hurrying status. Reaching out to help others will provide us with the best satisfaction that no material item will be able to provide. So as this season rushes by us, stop and think how you can bless someone else. Maybe buy someone’s coffee in the line behind you, give a homeless person a meal, offer to go get your neighbor’s groceries, or whatever you think you may do that will bless someone else. Merry Christmas!


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