Have you ever prayed the Serenity Prayer?

February 13, 2020

by: Paul Bishop MA,LPC, LPC/S- Director

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference!” It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?! All we need is serenity (or peace) to accept some things, and courage to change other things!  I assure you that it is not as easy as it sounds, but it is a powerful prayer and worth learning.  Here is the biggest problem that I think we run into, however, and that is that we spend our time trying to change the things we cannot and accept the things we can actually change!  You cannot change the people around you.  You cannot change the bad things that happen to you.  You cannot change the economy, a recent loss, or a painful divorce. But you can seek God’s help in accepting what may be a painful reality and place your focus on your response.  God, grant me the serenity for those things I cannot change! 
On the other hand, there are some things that with courage, I can change!  I don’t have to accept my addiction or my bad habit as something that I cannot change—with God’s help, I can attend a meeting, ask a friend for accountability, and change my people, places, and things!  I don’t have to accept my loneliness and my lack of relationships, I can seek out and connect with safe and trustworthy individuals.  I don’t have to accept my depression or anxiety as inevitable, but I can decide today to get help & seek support!  Yes, there are things that I can change, and God, grant me the courage to change them!


Perspective Shapes your Hope!


Is there any Hope?