He’s Still Working On Me

February 9, 2021

Paul Bishop, MA, LPC, LPC/S

I remember an old song that said “ He’s still working on me. How loving and patent He must be, cuz He’s still working on me!!” Yes, God is patient with us and in reality, He is more patent with us than we often are with ourselves. Change is possible but the process takes time, We long for perfection but must settle for progress, because we are not capable of perfection in this world. Processing old wounds takes time. Facing our demons takes courage. Transforming old patterns requires persistence. God knows this and is patiently walkng with us. The change has just begun. When you start to beat yourself up (or someone else) stop and thank God that He is more patient than we are, and that He is still working on you!


Love: Is it a feeling or a choice?

