Hills, Twist and Turns, and Trust
Claudia Graf
Trust – according to the dictionary, trusting means firmly believing in the strength, character, or truth of something or someone. It is about placing one’s confidence and hope in someone. I have had the song ‘Hills & Horizons’ by Futures stuck in my head this week. The lyrics describe what trust in our walk with God looks like. Have you ever experienced a spiritually dry season? Have you ever wished to see God’s big plan for your life? Have you ever wanted to be able to peek around the next bend of your life path, to see how the whole journey unfolds?
As much as I would like to know what the future holds, I have come to realize it is during those times of uncertainty that my trust in an all-knowing and loving God is what gives me peace. If I knew everything, then there would be no need for trust - for faith in things unseen. It is through this beautiful relationship with a loving heavenly Father, who has the big picture, that I find peace and joy in the middle of storms and foggy patches along my life journey. Jesus promised us that we would experience trouble in this life, but he also said to take heart and be encouraged by knowing that he has overcome the world and is with us always (John 16:33; Matthew 28:20). You might not be able to see past the next hill. You might not know how God will make a way out of your current situation. But he has promised to be with his children at all times, to never leave or forsake them. Are you ready to entrust an unknown future to an all-knowing and loving God and to hold on to him and his promises?