Humility and Blessings


Gretchen A. Smith


Humility and God’s Grace have been on my heart lately. Have you ever needed to stop at the grocery store on your way home to pick up something for dinner? This happened to me the other day. We had decided to have tacos, but needed some lettuce - so I offered to stop at Food Lion on the way home. I was in my own zone when entering the store - maybe saying hi to the worker who greeted me, but focusing on the produce section and finding the lettuce. Not really paying attention the other customers. I found what I needed, and headed to the checkout. I rarely do self check-out, so I was in line in lane three in back of a young mother and her two daughters, a toddler and a pre-teen. The mom and pre-teen were talking and I started talking to the toddler who was kinda fussy. Mentally, I begin making assumptions about the woman: single parent, working hard to keep food on the table for her two girls, who were several years apart, the struggles of parenting pre-teens etc. Then this woman pays for my groceries. What? I should be buying HER groceries! I stopped my self from too much protest, because I was convicted to receive a blessing. I needed to be humble to allow God to bless me through this kind young mother. She, in turn, would be blessed. This young mother was a great example to me. I am reminded that I have to get out of my zone. The Word says to be alert and watchful. Where does God want me to bless others with a kind word or deed? Also, when God wants to bless me though others - I need to receive it and be thankful. And I need to pray for those who bless me!


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