Holiday Stress, Turkey and Gratitude
Claudia Graf
It’s that time of the year again – Thanksgiving week, with Christmas rapidly approaching. People crowding supermarkets on the hunt for a turkey and all the groceries, the chefs of the family stressing over the planning of the sides and desserts and timing what has to be in the oven at what time, cleaning the house for guests, seasonal decorating, already planning your Black Friday and Christmas gift shopping, communication with all the family members while avoiding current political controversies and arguments – Thanksgiving can be a stressful time. In the middle of the hustle, it is easy to forget what Thanksgiving is all about – gratitude. Take some time today to slow down, reflect, and be thankful. Go outside, sit on your porch, or take a walk and appreciate the beautiful Fall colors. Feel the warm sunshine and the cool breeze on your skin, hear the birds singing, take some deep breaths, smell the crisp, fresh air, and thank the Creator for His beautiful creation.
Take a moment to think about all of God’s blessings you have received this past year, how He has guided you and was present in your life, celebrating your victories with you and carrying you through the dark valleys. Reflect on the people and relationships that enrich your life and that you have received love from, learned from, and grown with. Please think of the opportunities, achievements, and daily necessities that we often take for granted. The practice of naming things we are thankful for tends to bring joy, boost self-esteem, and positively affect our physical and mental health. Slowing down deliberately and spending time in nature reduces symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. So, allow a few minutes to be still, express gratitude, and feel refreshed and re-energized this holiday season.
A happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all!