Presence Versus Performance

Paul Bishop



We have often internalized messages that what matters most is our performance.  Sometimes, this creates the false expectation that we must perform for others to accept or value us.  When someone is hurting, we need to offer a solution, a word to fix it, or an action to make it all better. Many times, the more critical encouragement and help that you can offer is your presence.  Showing up, listening with a caring heart, and being present will make a more significant difference than anything you can say or do.  Jesus showed up and ate with sinners, and His presence in their lives healed many.  He rarely offered a long sermon, especially for those who were broken and feeling the weight of their choices, yet people were healed by His touch, and sinners repented in His presence.  May we focus less on performance (that is what the Pharisees did) and spend more time offering our presence (as Jesus did).  Being with people where they are may help move them to where they need to be!


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