Living within Limits

September 28, 2020

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

I can’t take it anymore!  Have you ever said that?   Sometimes it can be overwhelming what life throws at you.  And sometimes we even ask the question, "does God really think I can handle all of this?”  "Why has He given me so much to deal with right now?"   While I cannot begin to answer all of this in a short blog and I certainly do not pretend to understand all of God’s ways, I do have some thoughts about living within our limits.  
First ask yourself the question, am I taking on more than I am meant to?  It is easy to keep saying yes to things and people until we are doing more than God intended for us to be doing. There is a God and it is not you!  You can only handle so much and it is a whole lot better to live within that reality.
Secondly, know that sometimes we are allowed to reach our limits for the very reason that we need to humbly reach out and grab another hand to help us through the challenges.  While we cannot change some things that we are faced with, we can change how we face it and who we face it with.  You are not meant to handle it all alone.
Finally, recognize when you find yourself drained from anger and resentment about what other people are doing or not doing. Since you are not God, let Him be the judge and determine who deserves judgement.  Don’t try to do a “job” you were not meant to do.  There comes a lot of freedom when you relinquish that role to a Higher Power!  Stay focused on your own responsibilities and growth, not everyone else’s.  Living within your limits is freeing and empowering. 


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