The Power of Fear

October 22, 2021

By: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

Fear is a powerful motivator. Some use and abuse this to control, manipulate and cause others to behave or not behave in certain ways. Fear keeps people from pursuing dreams. Fear helps maintain the status quo. Fear holds in bondage those who would try something new, believe something different or change something that needs changing. Fear keeps us stuck. We are told In I John 4:18 that perfect love casts out fear. When we live in the realization that we are valued, loved, and pursued by God our Creator, we have the courage to pursue a new direction. When we have people who believe in us and accept us, as we are and where we are, we have a better chance of not staying there. If you want to overcome fear, begin by connecting with healthy individuals who will provide a safe and loving environment free of control. Allow yourself to trust a God who offers you a relationship but does not force it. He is ready to help you with what you fear. Human love is imperfect and though helpful will never be enough. God’s love is perfect and provides what you need as you face fear and implement change!




Calming Your Mind