November 10, 2020

by: Dr. Beverly T Puzia Ph.D. Licensed Pastoral Counselor

Today, no matter where you live in these United States, we are awaiting the honest and accurate results of our privilege and responsibility to vote for our President. Some are excited about a turnover in leadership and some are fearful about a turnover. Will we get honest and exact results of the people’s choice? Will we be at peace with the choice?

As a faith-based counselor, I am most concerned about the anxiety and fear that is gripping, controlling our lives right now. What does it look like to walk by faith? What does it feel like to live without fear? Did you know that there are 365 verses in the Bible that address the subject of fear or anxiety in some way? One verse for every day of the year. Don't you just love that? Our Triune God knows our frame.

 Our Heavenly Father knows we are prone to be fearful and anxious and has reminded us that He is sovereignly in control of our natural tendency to be afraid of the uncertainty of tomorrow. I especially like the verse in Matthew 6:34” So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.”

We know that about 90% of our worries do not come true. But if we are prone to anxiety disorders, we struggle with more than normal worries. Most people have occasional worries about issues like health, money, or family problems. These are considered normal but usually can be solved. Often these are solved by brainstorming with someone you can trust or a professional in that area of concern. Our counselors at Bridge of Hope are available to help.

More research is revealing the value of 8-10 hours of sleep, 30 minutes of exercise each day, a balanced diet of healthy foods, laughter and connecting with people we love protects our health. Perhaps even more than a face covering. We are cooperating with the suggestions for keeping healthy, but still, we are responsible for our personal self-care.  

So, could we conclude that living life one day at a time, putting the basics of self-care in place and trusting our Heavenly Father who has ordered our days, the day I was born and the day I am to die, might be helpful in these days of fear and uncertainty.


Thankful in all Things


Radical Acceptance