Radical Acceptance

November 5th, 2020

by: Paul Bishop, MA, LPC, LPC/S - Director

Research shows that one of the most important qualities for thriving in challenging situations is the ability to have an open and flexible stance to changing realities (Dr. Steven Hayes). Change is hard, especially when related to loss and pain. As we strive to “accept the things we cannot change,” it is more than just a nice prayer or a good idea. It is essential for your mental and spiritual health. Grief acknowledges what used to be, mourns it in a healthy manner, but then embraces reality as it is and not as we would have it. Acceptance allows you to grow and change as a person and to find purpose and meaning in your new reality. For the Christian, it also means accepting that whatever I have gone through or am getting through is not just about me or for me, but that it is part of something bigger. Hope tells us that we are not at the end of the story but that we are changing chapters. What will be may be different than what has been, but is not limited to what you are feeling at the moment. May God help each of us today, to “accept the things we cannot change” even as we embrace change and work on changing the things that we can!




Restoring Hope