Unmet Expectations

September 9, 2021

By: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

A powerful Syrian general arrived at the prophets house with some hopeful expectations. Surely, being a famous general and important individual, this prophet would come out himself and lead a great healing ceremony that would cure him from his leprosy. What a surprise when the servant walked out and not the prophet, and how much more insulting to Naaman when he was told to wash seven times in the muddy Jordan river! He erupted in anger and would have left, were it not for some persuasive assistants who encouraged him to let go of these unmet expectations to receive some unprecedented blessings.

We often allow unmet expectations fuel uncontrolled anger. Sometimes we may even miss out on unexpected blessings by holding on to our own expectations. Some expectations are reasonable and need to be spoken. By sharing those expectations, you may help others connect with you, support you and encourage you. Other times, holding on to our expectations may be preventing that miracle. Hold your hopes and dreams loosely enough that you give God permission to offer you something different, something better! Give your expectations to Him, share what you can with others and remember to accept those things that you cannot change, even if it is God telling you to step into a muddy river over and over until the healing comes!


People, Plants, and Potential


God Loves YOU!