Intentional Living

December 22nd, 2020

by: Lisa Wallace, MA, LPC, NCC, CCMHC

Have you ever considered living life intentionally? During the COVID season many of us have lived life on autopilot, being directed by our circumstances, news reports, and our own fear and stress. 2020 has brought circumstances our way that were totally unplanned and unexpected. The year has been a reminder that much of life’s circumstances are beyond our control. Now more than ever we must choose to live our life with intention.  This means when life is difficult and fear abounds, we choose not to live passively and blindly follow whatever emotions are stirred up that day. Intentional living means understanding your fundamental beliefs and values, and then actively living your life in line with those beliefs. This means acknowledge your feeling but not always believing them. They are situational. We must intentionally choose to live out of what we know to be true. Circumstances can be difficult however nothing can steal the joy we are offered in knowing Christ is in control and He will never leave or forsake us. The COVID season has lasted much longer than anyone had expected, however a season is now upon us that overrides any season and can last year-round if you know Christ as your Savior. The Christmas season is a time when we are reminded of the truth. Intentional living is choosing to believe you are loved, chosen, adopted, redeemed, accepted, and forgiven by a Savior who has walked with us through 2020 and promises the same for 2021. Choose today to allow Him to guide and direct the next season of life no matter what circumstances may come.


News Cycle: Don’t be stuck in last year’s news cycle!


🎶 Tis the Season to Remain Hopeful...🎶