Being Deceived

June 9, 2021

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

Jeremiah 49:16 says, “You have been deceived by the fear you inspire in others and by your own pride….” It is interesting how easily we can be led astray and deceived by our fear. Fear then spreads to others. We have lived in a year where various forms of fear have impacted us and what you fear has varied based on the narratives you have heard or believed. Fear is contagious. Fear can dominate our minds and freeze our hearts to where it takes over and replaces love and faith. Our fear impacts others Pride is also deceptive. It causes people to believe in their own understanding and their own wisdom and to seek dominance over the lives or opinions of others. This passage goes on to say “You control the mountain heights but even if you make your nest among the peaks with the eagles I will bring you crashing down, says the Lord!” Humility recognizes my limitations and acknowledges God’s sovereign control. Pride is often called the “original sin” and is an offense against our Creator and Lord when we think more of our own desires and thoughts than we do of his. Humility and faith will help us fight pride and fear and keep us from being deceived.




Sound of Progress