
June 25, 2020

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC, LPC/S

At the Bridge of Hope, we often focus on our desire to bring hope to those needing it. The other important part of our name is that we also want to be a bridge.  Bridges help people get from one place to another, often crossing dangerous ravines or wild waters below.  As the old song goes, we want to be a bridge over troubled water!  When you have no idea how to cross that raging turmoil, let us help be a bridge to hope, a bridge to peace and a bridge to a different future.  In our faith as believers, Jesus Christ became the ultimate bridge between our chaos and self-destruction caused by our shortcomings (also known as sin) and to a restored relationship with God.  We all need bridges at some point, but we can also be bridges as well.  You don’t have to work at the Bridge of Hope to be a bridge of hope to those around you. In fact you were not just placed on this earth for yourself, but for a greater purpose.  Part of that purpose is for you to become that bridge for others to find hope, to find healing and to find restoration. Sometimes you need to trust someone else to be that bridge to get you to the other side.  Today, look around and see if God does not put someone in your path who needs you to be that bridge of hope for them!


Avoiding Escalation

