
September 7, 2020

by: Anita Isaac MA, LPC/A

Daily duties of being an employee, running a business, taking care of family and / or going to school  have their ways of keeping us busy. Although staying on top of home life and work life are all important, what’s also important is staying on top of your mental health. Matthew 6:34 says, take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  It is and always will be ok to take a moment to just breathe and relax. Practicing mindfulness could be the trick to overcoming that anxiety you may feel due to any every day stressor. 

Mindfulness is about being present and acknowledging your feelings, and does not serve as a single benefit. You being mindful could also be beneficial to those around you such as your loved ones, or even those you work with as it is essential for healthy communication . Take time to think about how you may or may not have been present in an area of your life. If being present is a challenge for you, I challenge you today to STOP and take a moment to just breathe and focus on what is happening in the moment.




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