Celebration of History

February 24, 2021

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC, LPC/S- Director

Black history month is a chance to appreciate the contributions of black Americans who have often been overlooked, under-celebrated, segregated and even enslaved in sad periods of our history. The story of many black Americans is a story of overcoming obstacles and persevering despite historically lacking many advantages in society. This reminds me of the quote that says “do not measure a man’s success by what he has attained, but by what he has overcome!” (Booker T. Washington). We cannot fully appreciate one’s success without comprehending the challenges that have been overcome to get there. The more you listen to another’s story and the more you understand their history, the more you will celebrate their success and appreciate their accomplishments. We celebrate the achievements of black Americans and their place in our nation. As believers, it is paramount that we set the bar high for appreciating and affirming all races and all backgrounds, not just for one month a year, but for every day of the year! No matter what your history and what you have overcome or are still seeking to overcome today, you are welcome at the Bridge of Hope and we would love to be part of your future!




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