Control and Anger!

March 11, 2021

Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S- Director

Not being in control is a scary feeling. In fact many times a lack of control leads to anger. Sometimes anger is used subconsciously to create an illusion of control. Anger is usually an indication of lack of control-at least over our own emotions and reactions. It is important to understand what is behind it. If I have a goal that I want to accomplish and someone or something is blocking that goal being met, I am most likely going to be frustrated with whatever and whoever is keeping that from happening. My anger then comes out, directly or indirectly towards that person or object. While some anger is unavoidable and even healthy, much of anger can be avoided if we start setting goals that we can control and not ones that others can block. Ask yourself if the goals and expectations that you have are ones that you can do something about. If not, it may be time to let those go and change your focus! If you need help with dealing with frustration and anger, let us know. We have a new group starting next week that will give you further understanding and some tips for managing this emotion. God tells us “in your anger, do not sin.” (Eph. 4:26) Anger is not always sinful, but many of its reactions can be harmful and even sinful if it is not handled well!. Don’t let anger control you, but gain tools to control it!


The Powerful Gift of Forgiveness:
