Fear of Risks

April 22, 2021

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S-Director

It is hard to take a risk. This means something may nor turn out as hoped…or, it could turn out great! It may mean hurt and disappointment…..or it could mean satisfaction and joy! Risk is especially hard if you have had experiences where similar risks did not turn out as you had hoped they would. Without risk, however, there is not a reward and you will end up staying where you are and experiencing what you have. Fear of the “what ifs” will not only keep you from enjoying “what is” but it can also keep you from seeing what could be! Fear tends to dominate, once it gets a foothold. If you are stuck in fear, reach out for help and support. Talk to others who have taken similar risks successfully. Lean on God’s power that can provide you faith over that fear and know that He is with you whether you can see Him there or not. Without taking a risk to pick up that slingshot, David would never had killed his Goliath. Without risking trusting the spies from Israel, Rahab would have died that day in Jericho when the walls came tumbling down. Change involves risks but there will be no progress without it.


Saying Goodbye


The roller coaster of Easter!