The roller coaster of Easter!

March 26, 2021

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director

Can you imagine the roller coaster that the disciples must have been on between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday? So one day everyone is out in the streets going “Hosanna! Hosanna!” And calling Jesus a king. Just days later they are seeing Him betrayed and led away as a victim of a plot to crucify Him. Their hopes for deliverance dashed, they huddled in fear that they may be next! Then, as they seek to come to grips with a loss they could not imagine of their leader and expected Messiah gone forever, He appears resurrected and victorious over the whole experience of death and damnation. Now their spirits soar again with hope and joy!

Maybe you have had a week where everything seemed great, then hopes were dashed all within hours or days. Maybe you have not yet had the joy of seeing things turn around. Maybe you have. Life can be a roller coaster. Just ask Jesus and His disciples! We are told that Jesus can relate to all of our experiences. No matter what part of life’s roller coaster you are on today, hold on tight! There is hope. The down moments are not forever. Resurrection Sunday is coming. Don’t allow your experiences of the present remove your focus from the future. There is a God who loves you and provided a way for you to know Him and He is sitting next to you on this roller coaster ride and will get you to the destination.


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