Saying Goodbye

April 30, 2021

by: Paul Bishop LPC/S- Director

It’s been an emotional week. Death puts life into perspective. Within a couple of weeks of burying her stepmom whom we loved, Susan and I headed up to visit with my dad for what could be our last time before he leaves this earth. While he was not responsive and had his eyes closed, we said what we wanted to say and hoped that he heard. We prayed with him, a prayer of thanksgiving for who he is and for the life he has lived. My dad is 94 years old. Some would say that means it is his time to go. When it’s your dad, however, it never feels like his time to go! On the trip home my wife reminded me what is shared in GriefShare that “grief is the price you pay for loving someone.” Grief is hard and sometimes you may feel like avoiding getting close to avoid the cost of later separation. The price is worth it, however, and I am thankful that the relationship with my father has been worth the cost of the grief that comes with the goodbye.




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