God Is Patient

Kristen Rabon

Bridge of Hope Office Manager


I looked up the definition of patience, and I think the term forbearance fits God even better. Forbearance is described as restraint or self-control. Arthur Pink says God’s patience is, “the power of control which God exercises over Himself, causing Him to bear with the wicked and forebear so long in punishing them.” God’s patience is the self-restraint of His righteous wrath on us sinners.

 Romans 9:22 - “In the same way, even though God has the right to show His anger and His power, He is very patient with those on whom His anger falls, who are destined for destruction.”

 His goal in this is to turn people from their sin. Romans 2:4 - “Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?”

 So, why is God patient? Why does He want to turn us from sin? What does He get out of it? He gets us. Regardless of whether we are a good prize or not, God has decided He wants us. There is much scripture that talks about how God rejoices over us and seeks after our hearts. His being so patient with us is a prime example of the fact that He wants us. If He didn’t, then He would have no reason to hold back His rightful wrath. Just look at what Jesus did on the cross as an example of how he wants us with Him. At every step of the way He could have simply poured out His just wrath, but instead, the cross is an awe-inspiring example of His patience and forbearance.

 Patience for God, just like for us, is an act of restraint. His patient self-control is one of His defining qualities just as He is loving, merciful, powerful, just, protective, peaceful, faithful, and many other wonderful things.

So let us remember today that patience, or forbearance, is a quality of God that we should also work to develop as we grow closer to God.



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