News Cycle: Don’t be stuck in last year’s news cycle!

That may be hard to do, you say, because the news keeps repeating itself? ’m not talking about the evening news or the news on your phone. What about your news cycle? We cannot change the news around us to a very large extent. In fact some of that news is not changing nearly as fast as we wish it would. Covid is gong to be as bad or worse for a while longer. The political climate hasn’t suddenly changed its course and there is still work to be done for peace on each! Meanwhile, as 2021 begins, what are you doing to change YOUR news cycle? Are you ready for a fresh start? What attitudes are you ready to change? Any new habits to begin, restart, or let go of? Your resentments are your choice. Your actions are your responsibility. Your mental and spiritual health can be improved! Don’t stay stuck in the same news cycle in 2021. Let’s change it! God says “I am about to do something new….I will make a pathway through the wilderness.” (Isaiah 43:19) but you have to take the path! You can do it! Need help? Reach out and let someone help, but don’t just stand there looking at the same story, thinking the same thoughts, or reading the same news!


Living with Limitations


Intentional Living