Living with Limitations

January 15, 2021

by: Paul Bishop, MA, LPC, LPC/S - Director

Some people have a hard time acknowledging their limitations, but we all have them! I don’t know about you, but it is very important for me to know my limitations and live within them. I have limitations on how much news I can watch, how many contentious articles I can read, or how much I can take on in a single day. This is not just about physical health but about mental and spiritual health. Notice when you feel your blood pressure rising, your body becoming tense or your peace with God and others eroding. Perhaps it is time for some boundaries. Boundaries that help you live within your limitations are not to bind you but to free you. Saying no to some things is necessary to say yes to better things! Choose to accept your limitations and so you can be free of the stress and tension that comes when you live outside them. You will then have time and energy to tackle life and may even find some new joy while doing so!


God is Lord Over All


News Cycle: Don’t be stuck in last year’s news cycle!