The Power of Questions

August 31, 2020

by: Dr. Beverly Puzia Ph.D. Licensed Pastoral Counselor

While driving to the office last week, I heard a few moments of update on the confusion and chaos happening all around the world. What caught my attention was the title of a new book written by Trey Gowdy entitled DOESN’T HURT TO ASK. It was the second line that has caused me to ponder, “Using the Power of Questions to Communicate, Connect, and Persuade.”

Obviously, the power of questions is what coming to a counselor’s office is all about. Helping our clients consider options, possibilities, newer coping skills and changes that heal the wounds of living in a fallen world.

It really began in the garden of Eden. The Triune God created a perfect environment for Adam and Eve. They were warned to not eat from the tree that would give them the knowledge of good and evil. 

Taking a closer look at those questions will be reserved for another blog. Briefly I would like to take a look at the Master of question asking, our Lord Jesus Christ. Two in specific are part of the healing process:

1.    What are you so afraid? In the book of Matthew, chapter 8, verse 26 

Picture what is happening. Jesus and the disciples are in a boat, crossing the lake and a fierce storm hit the lake. Jesus is sleeping. He’s not afraid but the disciples are petrified. His response “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith.” These are days to be dialoguing with people of faith about where our faith is rooted and what is causing such paralyzing and confusing fears.

2.     Do you want to get well? This is the second question. A man lame for 38 years is sitting by the Pool of Bethsada, meaning “house of mercy.” In the book of John, chapter 5, verses 1-9, we read the story. He was in the right place but no one to help him into the healing waters.

There is so much more in these two questions of Jesus, but for the sake of time and space, and at the risk of missing so many wonderful nuggets of Truth, I will leave us with these thoughts to ponder. In both of these questions there are invitations to spiritual and emotional peace. Jesus is our only answer. When we are afraid or when we want to get well, we turn to Him first and then find great help and comfort by connecting with people who will join us in the journey. It has been said, “healthy people know where to go to get help.” We, at Bridge of Hope are available and willing to be a part of the process.




Fear or Reality?