Obedience and Faith

May 14, 2021

by: Gretchen Smith MSW, LISW, CP

Obedience and faith - Abraham gave us good examples of both.  God told Abraham  to leave his homeland -  God would be with him. “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.”  Genesis 15:1 God told Abraham he would have uncountable offspring - as many as the stars in the sea or the grains of sand on the beach!  Abraham’s response, “And he believed the Lord and he counted it to him as righteousness.

When God say “go” we need to move.  He leads us. We need to listen and follow.

Throughout my married life (37+ years) my life has been a series of asking for guidance, watching and listening for God’s leading and going when he says “go.”  God has a plan for each of our lives and I truly believe that when we follow Him, we will be blessed.  That is not to say we won’t have difficult times, but through ups and downs we know we are in God’s will, and that is the best place to be.

We came to South Carolina from Ohio (with a stop in West Virginia) 25 years ago.  We didn’t know a soul.  We stayed in the same small town and raised our kids.  We continually prayed for God to use us in any way He saw fit and we were involved with our family, church, jobs and community. I often felt like Abraham in a foreign land.  There were different ways of doing things, different ways of communicating, different weather.  Different, but not bad.  Sometimes lonely, sometimes pushing me out of my comfort zone.  We had to make friends, find our place, make sure our kids were okay while seeking to use our gifts, talents, and abilities for God’s glory and live according to His word.  We were blessed.  With a multitude of brothers and sisters in Christ, friends and acquaintances from many walks of life. Not that we didn’t mess up, but there is a correlation between things running smoothly and putting God first.  We thought we’d stay in that town until we died.

But nope, here we are again, and I am remembering my old pal Abraham, new city, new home, new jobs, new friends. (One difference is that our kids live close!). God said  “go” and we did.  God blesses us when we are obedient to His calling.  I have hope that he will be glorified by us continuing to listen to His voice and follow His leading.

When you know He is holding your hand change is not scary.  I encourage you to heed His call - wherever it may lead you.


Freedom in Christ

