
May 6, 2021

by: Louise Duval MA, LPC, LAC, CAC

“ Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing, and perfect will.” (Romans 12:1-2). 

There is very little in our world we can control, but God does give us the ability to work with Him to be able to control our thoughts and that can change the way we feel and respond to what is going on around us. When we begin to let God transform our thinking, we realize that it is not the situation or other people who are causing our feelings or reactions, it is our thoughts about that person or situation and God can transform our thinking so we no longer focus on changing others or the situation, but we allow God to transform our thoughts so that we have more positive feelings and reactions despite what is going on around us. 

At first glance it is scary to know there is so much out of our control, but it is also comforting because since we can’t control it, we are not responsible for it either. In letting go of trying to control other people and situations, we are giving control to the all powerful, all loving God. Then, we are free to use our energy to focus on allowing God to transform our mind.

Instead of focusing on all the things you can’t control, focus your mind on God. Begin by identifying any negative thoughts you have that are leading to negative feelings and reactions. Then, replace those negative thoughts with scripture verses or truths from Scripture. Time in prayer and Bible reading will equip you to be able to do this. In the morning, I like to take a few minutes just to focus on God to get my mind centered for the day. I know that throughout that day, I am going to be hit with many different things and I also know that God already knows what I am going to face and promises to be there with me through it. As you spend time in prayer and reading the Bible, God will transform your mind so you see things from His perspective and allow Him to guide your thoughts and responses throughout the day. Instead of having untrue or irrational thoughts that lead to negative emotions, we have true thoughts based on Scripture, see God in all situations, and look at difficult times as opportunities for growth instead something to get out of as quickly as possible.

Allow God to transform your mind today so you can know and live in His will. Living in His will is not always easy, but it is always best and God even uses the hard times to shape you and teach you. Living in God’s will leads to peace and an assurance that you are doing what He wants you to and you experience the blessing of being used as an instrument to glorify Him.


Obedience and Faith


Saying Goodbye