Peace and Assurance During Grief

July 1, 2021

by: Lisa Wallace MA, LPC, NCC, CCMHC

A week ago today I received a call that my mom had passed. The whirlwind of planning a funeral, friends and family planning an unexpected trip to SC began. I want to take this time to say thank you for all the calls, text, flowers and plants that were sent because of the love you have for me and my family. Thank you!!!!! Today everyone has returned to there homes and I awoke this morning with a quiet soul. (And a quiet house because my 7 month old Weimaraner is at training camp for 2 weeks!) I am learning it is in the quiet times the Lord’s touch is the most gentle. Losing my parents within 9 months of each other has been difficult, however, the peace and assurance that I have from the Lord is overwhelming. I know I will see them again. The Lord has been so faithful to me by giving me all I need to walk through this valley. He ministers to places where friends and family can’t go. I am thankful for my family and friends and even more so for being a child of God. I can’t imagine living without hope or without a Heavenly Father who walks with me daily on this journey called life. Father, thank you for my parent’s life and most of all when the time came for their journey to end thank you for taking them to the place you have been preparing since Jesus sat down at your right hand. I love you Lord and thank you!

*If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, First Baptist Church of Lexington is offering a Griefshare program. This is a 13- week series that helps you grieve the loss of your loved one and find tools on how to live life again the way God intended for you. This group will begin July 18th - October 24th from 4-6PM in Fellowship Hall room 213/214. There is no charge to this group.

If you would like to participate in this group please click below to sign up.


The Presence of God

