The Presence of God

July 8, 2021

by: Louise Duval MA, LPC, LAC, CAC

“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.” (Psalm 84:10)


This verse captures the heart of one who understands the value of the presence of God. The psalmist would rather spend one day in the presence of God than a thousand anywhere else and would rather stand at the door outside of God’s house than to be inside the house of the wicked. God’s presence is so awesome that just standing at the door of God’s house is better than never experiencing God’s presence at all. I wonder do I value God’s presence as much as this Psalmist does? Do I see being in God’s presence as more valuable than anything else? 

Recently, I was listening to a sermon and the Pastor pointed out that a doorkeeper is the one who opens the door for others to come in, so the doorkeeper at the house of God would be the one who opens the door for others to come into God’s house. I began to think about how I can be a doorkeeper here on earth. No matter what job we find ourselves in here on this earth if we are a child of God, we can be a doorkeeper and open the door for others to experience the presence of God. There is no job more valuable than that. As we grow in our understanding of the importance of being in God’s presence and having His presence in our lives we will want others to see it as well. His presence will fill us with such joy that we can’t help but share Him with others because we want them to have that joy as well. How could we not be excited that the presence of the all-powerful, creator of the universe is living in us? Thank you God for giving us the privilege and responsibility of being a doorkeeper who can open the door for others to experience the joy of a relationship with You! Help us to value Your presence so much that we can’t help but do that job well! 


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