Restoring Hope

October 26, 2020

by: Paul Bishop MA, LPC/S - Director of Bridge of Hope

Hope is lost when one begins to feel that their situation will never change and that what is now is all that will be.  There will never be another person accept them, love them, want them.  Or perhaps, there is a belief that life will not be better and that things will not improve.  To overcome a loss of hope, one must accept the possibly that the future may be different than the past and that just because one feels hopeless today does not mean they will be feeling hopeless tomorrow.  Faith is key to restoring hope.  Faith reminds us that there is more than what we see. There is more to come than what has been and there is more to know than what we have known. Faith in Christ tells me that the mistakes for which I feel guilty can be forgiven and the regrets I hold today can help me be better for tomorrow.  Today’s trials are the building blocks for tomorrow’s growth and in God’s hands nothing will be wasted!  Struggling to hope?  Ask God for faith to believe.  It is the substance of what you still cannot see!  (Heb. 11:1)


Radical Acceptance


Adversity, Pain, HUMILITY, Patience, Hope